
digivod demo license

Your iniviual digivod demo license

To optain a individual demo license please follow the steps below:

  • Download the latest setup in our download area.
  • Install this on the test system.
  • Run the LicenseInfo.exe tool – this tool will read the hardware ID of all attached storage media. Since our licenses are always bound to a hard disk or USB stick ID, we need this information to create a license for you. The tool can be found here:
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\digivod\LicenseInfo\LicenseInfo.exe
  • Send the HW-ID as text or text document (.txt) to with the following information:
    • which drive should be licensed (hard disk or USB stick – A USB stick must be connected at the time of running the LicenseInfos tool and renamed to „digivod“).
    • what you would like to test. (General, certain functions, number of cameras, etc.).
    • for which time period (for example, 1, 3, 6 months).
    • We will send you a license file in a timely manner. Please copy these into the digivod installation directory (with a hard disk license) or onto the USB stick (with a USB stick license).
  • After that, you can start digivod and log in. (You will receive the standard login data from us with the license. Please note that a licensed USB stick must be connected to the test system in order for the system to read the license.)

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