Run the LicenseInfo.exe tool – this tool will read the hardware ID of all attached storage media. Since our licenses are always bound to a hard disk or USB stick ID, we need this information to create a license for you. The tool can be found here:
Send the HW-ID as text or text document (.txt) to with the following information:
which drive should be licensed (hard disk or USB stick – A USB stick must be connected at the time of running the LicenseInfos tool and renamed to „digivod“).
what you would like to test. (General, certain functions, number of cameras, etc.).
for which time period (for example, 1, 3, 6 months).
We will send you a license file in a timely manner. Please copy these into the digivod installation directory (with a hard disk license) or onto the USB stick (with a USB stick license).
After that, you can start digivod and log in. (You will receive the standard login data from us with the license. Please note that a licensed USB stick must be connected to the test system in order for the system to read the license.)